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I recommended these steps to someone who wants to learn Google Ads, what do you all think?

Updated: Jan 18

The first 6 courses are from Google Digital Garage and the last two are from Guided PPC

Here are the course links:

1️⃣ Fundaments of Digital Marketing:

2️⃣ Google Ads Search:

3️⃣ Google Ads Display:

4️⃣ Google Shopping Ads:

5️⃣ Google Ads Measurement:

6️⃣ Google Ads Video:

7️⃣ GuidedPPC Google Ads Course Batch 1:

8️⃣ GuidedPPC Google Ads Course Batch 2:

Once you've done the first 7 courses, start looking out for a Google Ads Internship or Trainee role preferably at an agency, and do the Batch 2 course during or after this internship.

You'll become a world-class Google Ads Specialist, like 50+ folks you've done it already.

I recommended these steps to someone who wants to learn Google Ads, what do you all think?


Hi ✋ I’m Santosh, founder of Guided PPC. A Google Ads agency dedicated to scaling e-commerce businesses beyond 6 figures with Google Ads.

Fed up with lackluster results? Feeling ignored by your current agency? Get in touch. We do things differently.

🚀 If you’re spending $3k+ a month on Google Ads, Get a Free Audit + Action plan

🔖 Want to Learn Google Ads? Join Guided PPC Google Ads Academy

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